What is ArginMax?
ArginMax is an all-natural male enhancement product that may help provide some male enhancement. Bedroom issues affect nearly 30 million American men each year. ArginMax contains l-arginine, ginseng, ginkgo, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, selenium, zinc and niacin.
Is it Safe?:Yes—but be careful if you have a pre-existing heart condition, liver or kidney disease. L-arginine can cause low blood pressure or affect the blood's electrolytes, causing heart or blood pressure problems. Overuse of l-arginine—which won't happen if you use ArginMax as directed—may also cause cramping, nausea or stomach discomfort.
Grade: B. ArginMax contains safe, ingredients that may help with male enhancement. It's also safer than some other products.
For more information you can visit their official site www.arginmax.com
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