HOT PLANTS - This is an extremely well-made formula from one of my favorite supplement companies - Enzymatic Therapy of Green Bay, Wisconsin. I take their product Cell Forte (IP-6 and inositol) every day to enhance and improve my immune system. The product was formulated by Chris Kilham, a real researcher, who teaches Ethnobotany at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and who has trekked around the world searching out and testing numerous compounds reported to work for better sex. Interestingly enough, Chris, is known as the "Medicine Hunter" because he has traveled the world from the rainforests of Malaysia to the mountains of Siberia seeking and testing sex-enhancing compounds. His travels and research are chronicled his book, Hot Plants: Nature's Proven Sex Boosters for Men and Women. It’s a great read and I highly recommend it. This six-compound formula is made up of Macapure, Togkat Ali LJ100, Rhodiola, Yohimbe, HGW, and Panax ginseng all in the form of high-grade extracts. My favorite is the 100:1 Tongkat Ali extract called LJ100. I like this product and many other men will too I am sure. An extremely well-made product created by a top formulator- it makes my Top 15 List. GRADE C
For more information you can visit their official site
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